Revamping Things in the Home for Back to Homeschool



We start back to homeschool in a few days and in addition to getting the homeschool room ready for the coming school days I also need to focus on revamping various things around the home to create a workable routine.

The last couple of weeks…no months in our home have been all about moving. First packing, then buying, then moving into a new home. It’s been intense but I think well worth it.

While our previous home was a blessing and I was content there (sort of) the owners wanted to sell so God opened a door for us to find a place that is actually more suited to our needs. He turned what was an extremely stressful time of wondering where we would live to a blessing.

So here we are.

A week before our school schedule starts we have our homeschool room kind of set up, our curriculum has arrived, and our oven finally works (yaaay!).

Some not so ready things. Our home desktop computer broke down, I don’t  know what box some math manipulatives are packed in, our freezer is empty (eeeep!),  I haven’t shopped for supplies yet (paper, pencils, binders), and our homeschool room is only kind of set up.

So I have a week to reign it in and get it in gear! I like a challenge and I like organization so here I go.

  1. Make a list of the things that must be done in order to start school.
    1. organize and declutter homeschool room
    2. plan daily home and school schedule
    3. find and plan some field trips
    4. work on resetting body clocks for whole family
  2. Work the planner. I’ve got a few I’m using right now. One I’m doing a review on and the other is my regular planner. Both need to be used a bit more.
  3. Get the Sweet Peanut Involved. She’s a big girl now. She’s been helping me organize the room, review orientation videos, plan what we need to buy and set up the daily schedule.
  4. Work out a general schedule. For example, beds have to be made, rooms tidied and breakfast cleared away by 10am; reading, spelling, math done by 12:00. Insert break time and then finish up. Set out good days to help grandma run her errands and take a more relaxed school day.
  5. Keep searching for creative organizational tips. As I’m getting comfortable in new digs organizing challenges are coming up every day. New places to store things. Clearing clutter we stupidly moved instead of giving away before the move.
  6. Remind myself daily why I’m homeschooling and enjoy the journey.

Do you homeschool? What are some things you are doing to get ready for the new school year (homeschool or not)?







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