Reviewing the Trim Healthy Mama Plan

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trim-healthy-mama-planA couple of years ago I was one of the first people to jump in and get the original Trim Healthy Mama Plan by Serene and Pearl.

An eating plan for women said to be based on Biblical Principles.

I pre-ordered my hefty book and waiting anxiously for it to arrive at my front door. When it did I sat down and pretty much read through the whole thing in a couple of days. I was anxious to start but I was also a little bit confused.

It seemed to contain a lot of good information but I kind of felt all over the place. I decided to ignore all the extra for the time being and just book marked a few recipes to try and the sections describing the S and E meals. Even then I was still a bit overwhelmed and after a few weeks petered out.

Since Pearl and Serene guarantee you’ll lose 0 pounds in the first month I was still well within there and of course had not lost anything. I did develop a love for the Trim Healthy Mama pancakes and a wish that I could understand this new idea better.

Fast forward a about a year and a half more and I was really chomping at the bit to drop these extra 10-15 pounds that WILL JUST NOT BUDGE! Being a slightly older mama now I had an inkling that my troubles were probably of the hormonal kind and wanted to get a handle on it before the “change” started happening. I fondly thought of my hefty THM manual and gave a sigh that I just could not make heads or tails of it.

I briefly entered the world of eating small meals with protein several times a day and lost 5 pounds which brought me back to my 10-15 pound struggle but those last few pounds refused to budge.

Then I was given the opportunity to review the newly revamped Trim Healthy Mama Plan which has been separated from the cookbook! Yeah! What we’ve been asking for. Apparently according to Serene and Pearl (the authors) although I never said a word. I just fumed in silence.

I’m starting with reviewing the Trim Healthy Mama Plan because I think if you’re at all interested in the whole Trim Healthy Mama journey this is where you should start.

The Trim Healthy Mama Plan explains this new, not so new, way of eating in detail and gives you insight into where the authors heads are at.

About the Trim Healthy Mama Plan

Serene and Pearl start off their plan by giving us a series of fictional women that you may or may not see yourself in. There’s the infamous Drive Through Sue, Farm Fresh Tess and plenty more. Fictional men and women who struggle to not only lose weight with their current eating styles but struggle have energy and health too. I saw myself in several of the fictional characters and was ready to read what might help the pattern. What surprises me that even when you are eating healthy there are still things fighting against you.

The gist, or the idea behind the Trim Healthy Mama Plan is to not eat your fats and your carbs in the same meal. Also to eat much less, actually no sugar. And to eat every 3 to 4 hours. Of course meals are healthier and there are a few foods you may have never heard of that can kickstart your weightloss, or gut healing etc. And there are the different ways you can use your veggies in everything from smoothies to dessert. Voila!

That’s it in a nutshell but the details are a bit more complicated. Complicated enough that many have given up attempting to implement the plan. But for the few who hung in there the rewards have been more than weightloss and I wanted me some of that!

So next after reading about the various diet characters (Drive Through Sue etc), you learn a little about what carbs and sugar do in your body it’s time to learn about the plan and how to implement it.

Remember I said the Trim Healthy Mama Plan is all about not mixing your fats and carbs. Those are divided into two types of meals.

Your S and E meals.

S = Satisfying (the fat)

E = Energizing (the carbs)

These two types of meals are both anchored by proteins.

After that, based on your own personal needs you will mix in some other types of meals and dishes called Crossover Meals, S Helpers, and Fuel Pull dishes. These are items you add in to complete your meals and adjust for those not needing to lose weight such as your children or super lean hubby (I have one of those).

The next few chapters you learn how to build these meals with healthy choices and alternatives. Things such as snacking, sugar alternatives, liquids (teas and such), eating out, feeding the family,

Finally there’s a nice section of meal plans for different kinds of mamas (pregnant, vegetarian, gluten-free, slow losers, working mom, frugal mom). These menus do refer back to the Trim Healthy Mama Cookbook often so if you don’t have that or access to it you may be frustrated here.

There is even a chapter for the men in your life!


My Thoughts on the Plan

Sometimes when I attempt something new that takes too many steps or seems like it’s more trouble than it’s worth I’ll put it down.

When I first read through the Trim Healthy Mama Plan I knew it was doable but trying to make heads or tails of when to eat what just made me throw up my hands in frustration.

I think part of my frustration was trying to tackle everything at once instead of taking it step by step.

But in this new book things were made much clearer. I finally felt I understood when to eat what and how to make a full day of the Trim Healthy Mama Meals.

And I finally understood to take baby steps.

It’s still a lot of information but for those that have been making an attempt to eat healthier it can be grasped quite quickly.

If you’ve been attempting to eat more of a Real Foods diet, maybe trying to cook more from scratch, eating some fermented foods, incorporating smoothies into day, your soaking some grains now and then, and eating more veggies you can quickly grasp this Trim Healthy Mama way of eating and may already have most of what you need already in your pantry.

At least that’s the way it’s been in our house. I’ll talk more about what recipes I’ve been trying and how I’m incorporating my skinny family into the Trim Healthy Mama Plan in my Trim Healthy Mama Cookbook review coming up next.

Another thing I like about the Trim Healthy Mama Plan is that it is more than getting skinny, or losing weight. These women were already skinny but what they were going for was good health. Healthy pregnancy, healthy menopause, healthy mama through all walks of life and that’s what I’m after.


Does it Work ?

Over and over again in The Trim Healthy Mama Plan Serene and Pearl encourage readers to do what works for them. Make it dairy free, omit this or that, use this instead of that, and so on. If you don’t like the sugar substitutes use what works for you. Tweak it so that you are only making one meal for your family instead of one for yourself and one for the family. Go slow. Adjust as needed. I say this to address those that might pick apart the individual ingredients. It’s a customized plan and that’s why it works long term.

I’ve been testing and trying here and there for about two weeks. I’ve lost maybe a pound but my sugar cravings are about nil and I didn’t even omit sugar! I’m eating more than I usually eat and we’re enjoying the journey.

I’m still getting to know this plan and I’m not sure if I’ll hang in there forever but for now it’s worth a good try.

If you’re at all curious read the plan. Not the cookbook first but the plan. Get an idea for what this is all about. Their thoughts, experiences, etc. These two women come from a background that is about encouraging women to take care of themselves, their bodies, and their families. Their momma runs a worldwide Christian ministry for encouraging woman as wives, mothers, and homemakers and they’ve learned at her knee (see


You can buy the book at the Trim Healthy Mama store or on [easyazon_link identifier=”1101902639″ locale=”US” tag=”mommybabytool-20″]Amazon[/easyazon_link].

I received this book from  for this review.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Blogging for Books as part of their Blogger Review program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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