No Longer Little : Christian Parenting Book {Review}

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This entry is part 17 of 24 in the series 2018 Homeschool Reviews
Raising Real Men

I think I started hyperventilating when my daughter turned about 9. Oh my goodness she's growing up! What will I do?!! I had been a teen girl once. I knew what havoc they could create! Was this logical thinking? Probably not but thankfully there are books for people like me.

One of those books is No Longer Little: Parenting Tweens with Grace and Hope  by Great Waters Press.

Blessed with a tween I jumped on the chance to review this book along with other members of the Homeschool Review Crew

About the Book

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No Longer Little: Parenting Tweens with Grace and Hope is a book of gentle advice about the developmental period of tween girls and boys ages 8 through 14.

No Longer Little by Hal and Melanie Young

This 203 page book is written in a conversational tone as if talking to a friend.

There is a chapter on each stage of your teen's development.

  • Hormones and Body Changes :
  • Why School Goes Awry
  • Spiritual  Questioning
  • Overcoming Awkwardness
  • More than Amusement
  • Family Relationships
  • Youth in the Bible
  • Coming of Age Ceremonies
  • Work and Stewardship
  • High School and Beyond

It is available as an ebook or printed copy.

Each chapter starts with a personal tidbit or retelling of another situation where a child/tween was dealing with that chapter's topic. Then it moves in to what is really probably going on in your child's brain. And goes to how to respond, often with Biblical backup. Sometimes scripture are found near the end of the chapter and often they a sprinkled throughout. More anecdotes also might be woven in.

The back of the book offers several references, a list of Bible Scriptures referenced throughout the book, and an index so you can search by topic (nice touch!).

My Thoughts on the No Longer Little

I won't say I have it all together but I did start praying for my daughter and this time in her life before she could walk. In addition to her sweet spirit I believe God has given me (and you too) wise friends, instinct, and resources such as No Longer Little to help.

                                          Look! They signed it!

The book is well written and an interesting read. You may wonder what Hal & Melanie Young's credentials are. Any degrees in child development etc. If that's your thing know up front that I don't believe so. They come from the school of hard knocks. They are parents of 6 boys and 2 girls. Four of the boys are adults. I don't know about you but when I have parenting questions, as a Christian, one of the first things I do is seek the wise counsel of Godly men and women. Usually in my church. I don't ask them to list their credentials first. The testimony of their children is all I need.  So I don't have the privilege of going to the same church, or living in the same town as Hal and Melanie so I appreciate their putting their sage wisdom to paper for folks like me.

I really appreciated the chapter on The Awakening: Sex and Virtue. I had my own thoughts on how to approach this topic with my daughter and I felt, after reading this chapter, that I'm on the right path and also armed with a more tidbits. You can't hide everything from your child and knowing how to navigate these waters, especially when it comes to tv shows and movies is what I'm talking about.

Several times in the past year I've been approached by friends and acquaintances  regarding many of these tween issues. After being asked repeatedly for help in telling teens about sexuality in a Biblical way they came to the decision to write a resource themselves that dealt issues common in today's times.

Hal and Melanie Young have also written the book Love, Honor, and Virtue: Gaining or Regaining a Biblical Attitude Toward Sexuality specifically for raising sons.

You can read more reviews of these titles from the Homeschool Review Crew if you click the cute banner below.

You Can Also Connect with Hal & Melanie Young on Social Media

Purchase the Book

Love, Honor, and Virtue AND No Longer Little {Great Waters Press Reviews}
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