Get Ready for Tomorrow, Tonight! Creating an Evening Routine

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I have numerous books by home organizing expert Emilie BarnesShe gives us such time proven wisdom. And one of my favorites is starting your day the night before. Creating an evening routine that helps you get a headstart in the morning.

This advice is easy to follow and can make big difference in how your day goes. This is especially true if you’re taking care of small children or have to rise early to get to your job.

Get Ready for Tomorrow, Tonight! Create an Evening Routine! Simple tips to have a more organized morning.

A simple evening routine where you promenade (walk) through your home putting things to rights before you head off to bed can seemingly add more hours to your tomorrow.

Evening Routine steps for a better tomorrow…

  • Clean up the kitchen by clearing off counters and putting away any foods left out. Wipe down the counter tops. Washing up all any leftover dishes and run the dishwasher
  • Put out new wash rags and dish cloths for tomorrow. Changing your dishcloths on a daily basis is a good idea. Get a set marked for each day of the week to make it easier.
  • Clear off the dining table and then set table for the morning's (easy) breakfast .
  • Recycle any old newspapers and put away magazines left laying around in the living room. Plump pillows for good measure.
  • Prepare for a morning load of laundry. Have it sitting by the washing machine ready to go.
  • Check schedule for next day’s agenda. What’s on the menu? Is there an appointment or a phone call you need to make?
  • While you’re at it make a to-do’s for the next day. List any chores, errands, and items that need taking care of.
  • Set out your outfit for tomorrow. Do the same for your children or have them do it. This will give you a few extra minutes instead of spending that time looking for something to wear.

A few minutes each night taking care of these small things can help add more hours to your day.


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